我的天空多麼的清新 透明的承諾是過去的空氣 牽著我的手是你 但你的笑容 卻看不清 是否一顆星星變了心 從前的願望 也全都被拋棄 最近我無法呼吸 連自己的影子 都想逃避(逃避) BABY 你就是我的唯一 兩個世界都變心 回去談何容易 確定 你就是我的唯一 獨自對著電話說我愛你 我真的愛你 BABY 我已不能多愛你一些 其實早已超過愛的極限
Wednesday, December 31
My HR manager ask me to call for delivery services..
I called the main line and I was like "wau!!!"
"Hello. McDonald delivery. How can I help you?"
"I want to order FOOD!"
Instead of asking what I want.. She ask me.
"Ok. What is your name?"
"O... Sherina."
"Ok. Ms. Sherin.. Your hp number is 012-xxxxxxx *office de* bukan saya* then you are using 03-8075xxxx. You are from Clara International Beauty Group. Your address is ..........................."
"So hold on for a while. I'll help you to check for the nearest outlets."
"o.. o.. k"
tut tut..
"Sorry miss sherin.. Our IOI is having some technical porblem. We can take order for you at the moment. Sorry ms sherin..."
"o.O ok"
"SOrry BYE"
YENG! Luckily I didn't use my hp call.. If not, later my jaw drop till down the earth!
Tuesday, December 30
Sorry card
birthday boy
Monday, December 29
Saturday, December 27
Shroom Shroom loves!

Friday, December 26
LOL.. This is the christmas gift that I get from the Youth.
Got to THANK
Her name is Mush Mush =) (* birthday that time de*)

Happy happy
And, this I LOVE SO MUCH
This is Joshshroom
Happy Family!
Tuesday, December 23
Me, myself and I

Monday, December 22
MErry christmas
Have you bought presents for your friends and family yet?
Will be going out soon,later for a last christmas shopping.
Not much to buy but not LITTLE too. . sobs sobs..
But anyway..
I feel happy this year I really started to plan giving presents for them..
I am really lazy for lot of stuff and don't really have much $$ for all this things.
This year.. $$ is still problem but, I really want to buy something for them.
No matter is expensive or cheap is not a problem right?
I just want to bless them.
They've been a great friend, sis and BRO to me..
Just a little gifts for them now.
I hope they don't valued it by $$... PLS don't! wuwuwuw...
Although it is not 25th of December.. Let me wished here early..
if I left out someone sorry... merry christmas and happy new year
1. Ice Cream
But still, tonight got to go IOI AGAIN! Tired.. I want sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
I slept very later yesterday!! T.T
Saturday, December 20
Sick again
Suddenly I became so weak.
I will recover very soon
I promise
Friday, December 19
What will happen if.....
.....you care for me today but not tomorrow?
.....I laugh today and cry tomorrow?
.....we are brother and sister today but not tomorrow?
.....I can see only for today and not tomorrow?
.....I am alive today and I died tomorrow?
.....we are family only for today and not tomorrow?
.....you talk to me today and ignore me tomorrow?
.....you love me today but you hate me tomorrow?
.....I am here today but gone tomorrow???
Thursday, December 18
2. Grade yourself with the grading system at the end of the passage after reading.
3. Not that difficult, chin chai do lah !
Section A: Orrler Exeminetion (60 marks)
Singalella why become rich ?
Koo zhar wu chee ay char bor kia, Singalella.
She got two sisters, but the stepmarder and the sisters all damn kuai-lan, so she quite zhia-lat oso.Last time Singalella got own maid, but now she become the amah.
Everyday must cook lah, clean lah, simi sai mah bao-kah-liao.
If her sister say liak kar zhuak, she liak.Tak jit zho kah tau-hin.
EPF poon boh.
But then, kay piak eh ah-pek got one son call Ah Ming got party.
So he say, 'oeh, long chong lai ah.'
Singalella very happy because she never go party before but then her step-marder say, 'Lee Mana eh-sai kee, this one bahru lu eh sisters wu standard.'
Then Singalella must zho sui-sui for her sisters and step-marder.
Tap pai how, buay zhia, buay koon and buay pang-sai.
That night she only can wave bye bye and then she go back to the kitchen and cook Maggi mee.
Her neighbour came over and ask, 'Eh, an-zhua lu boh kee party?'
So Singaalella kong, 'I-wan, lau-bu kong buay-sai, so boh pian.'
She never expect but the neighbour say, 'Aiyah, kee lah, I give you money.'
So singalella brush teef and zhang-zhui, chen-kor, after that look very different.
She quickly run to opposite of the beh-chia-lor, already 11 o'clock.
At the party, Ah Ming also quite sian because the char bor all boh sui one.
Dance floor even got one ah pek dancing.J
ust as Ah Ming told himself, 'Aiyah see-pay zhia-lat', Singalella came in.
Ah Ming straight away lau nuar.
'Wah-lau eh, see-pay heng ah, chee kor buay pai.'
Ah Ming say to Singalella, 'eh, sui eh, wah ai kah lee zho flen!'
Singalella say ok but Ah Ming like octopus, touch here touch there.
But then just it was 12 o'clock, one ah pek die on the dance floor.
He become ghost and tell Singalella all the good 4D number.
So after that Singalella quickly go and buy 4D, and then tiok tau-pio, zhit-pak ban.
So she pay back the kay-piak eh lau-kay-poh and then kah kee cho sen-lee.
Simi kuan eh sen-lee wah mana eh zhai.
Section B: Grades - Gauge Your command of Hokkien....
A1. Can understand the story and pronounce Hokkien correctly.
Hokkien eh sai, bo beh zao.
A2. Can understand half story and/or cannot pronounce Hokkien properly.
zhia lat
E8. Don't understand story and/or catch no ball.
leow leow, mai ka lang kong you is Hokkien Singabolean
F9. Don't understand rating.
kee see lah, wah mana eh zhai lee kong simi?
Christmas.. Santa?!
Yes, christmas is on d way...
Carols are everywhere!
Is should be jolly right?
Unfortunately, people received the wrong meanings of christmas..
Yesterday, where I am half awake in the car, I heard one of the radio DJ said.
"If there's no Santa then Christmas is meaningless"
And today I heard radio advertisement said " Let us together welcome Santa"
I really don't know what to say!
Wednesday, December 17
A day with laughter
Brother A : What if.. You type it then you print it then you burn it...
Tuesday, December 16
This happen just now infront of my office.
Just now when I am in my office, I saw two "panas baran" cars.
Malaysia driver..... Haiz.... With all the double parking and all the packed cars there, they still want don't want to give chance! What is this?!
As I expected, "cliiiiiiiiichhhhhhh" these sound came...
I was smiling when I saw both driver came down and "bla bla" there... Then one of the fatty say.. "OKOK, there's a police station there"..
Hey come on lar... The road is so small! There are cars behind both of you. Can you guys just park your car first before arguing and talking out your mobile! I watch at them.. *free show*
Still talking... Then the fatty guy took out his mobile and try to take the other car's picture.. I don't know what for but I know he took it without the owner knewing it...
Then they got to go aside cause there are too many cars there.. Then the fatty guy chao... Left the other guy and a middle guy.. I wonder why the middle guy so "kpc".. Then that "kpc" point here point there.... Then, I feel so sien... Malaysian driver..
All this happened because both side fault but they feel that is the opposite sides... Whatever la.. I still zero knowledge with driving yet.. SO I am still innocent with this.. =p
Monday, December 15
Wednesday, December 10
Tuesday, December 9
You lifted us up
We are are thorn and scaterred
You pick us and sew us back.
I am over sensitive to certain things! Yes! I am sensitive. Being a sensitive person hate a lot of things and people around us..
Not to say HATE but just over sensitive.. Ohh goshhhhh what am I trying to say.. Basically..
I feel that I am over sensitive. To certain people.. Certain things...
Arg.. Ok. Ok... I am a bit blur to say this..
anyway.. the verse i put up there is .. tot want help my GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD kor kor with the song.. But i think rubbish again gua~ haiz
Can't face YOU
"Just scream then run up" Both of them said....
My heart feel the pain! So pain. Although without knowing whether what they are doing down there I can felt the pain in my heart. I am so worried of someone. Yes! The little girl who always understands me and also another **
I can't control myself thinking of them and also my brother down there. I don't know how he can handle them. And also the two best friend with me at the dark! I am super worried of them and also I am afraid of darkness. One of the bro give me the Ipod to listen. But, its useless. I tried so hard not to cry but I am not so hard hearted.
When I heard little girl screaming my name my tears roll down! I keep on repeating her name in my heart. "*name*.. Sorry. Sorry.." This is what I am saying... Time passes so slow! I feel like just running down.
The other girl who is with me keep on hugging me and comfort me. The tears stop.
When my bro gave us the call...
We knew its time to stop this and we went down. I tried to control myself. But I can't when I saw all the faces.
My best friend went to toilet and I was at the sink. Try to control. But when both brother came and ask me am I ok... Tears rolling down madly! Especially when they touch me and comfort me. I keep on crying. Then the best friend excort me to the santuary! The first one I look for is little girl. When I ask one of the leader, she said little girl don't want to come in yet. I totally know I am so wrong now. Best friend keep on hugging me to comfort me. The brothers keep on asking me whether I am okay or not. When I saw R face I am so pain again! She is worried and she cried... This makes me super uncomfortable!
Then when everyone is there, bro try to wrapped up but problem came.. little girl wants to be alone again. Where arguments came in. Where best friend run away, where I try to explain and things get worst. Where people hurt me madly there! I raise my voice and so on until I feel like this place is not belong to me anymore.
I hate myself for this whole things. I am so sorry!
To everyone.. No matter is who.. I just want to say sorry about this whole things...
I can't forgive myself for this and I can't face myself and also little girl. I hurt her too much. Although we say sorry and everything, I can tell you here that I can't forgive myself for doing this to YOU. I love you too much! I feel guilty when I see your eyes red because of all of us. When you hug me and say just go up and say sorry, everything will be alright, ask me not to cry I feel that I can't face you anymore. I don't even dare to play with you on the next day! I am so guilty for what we came out. This is the first time i REALLY CRIED SO TERRIBLE and can't forgive myself.
To Rwho understand and pass me the tissue box. You are younger than me one day... I love you so much too. Luckily you are not mad with me. I am so glad you change back. Cause when I see your face I am so scare! Sorry once again...
Sorry with all the things... I am so sorry!
*in the other note*
2 different things. i can't control the feelings of me now... Whether I am bad or what but I just can't.. I tried so hard and I cried because I feel I am bad.. But the whole sleepover makes me feel this way~ Sorry, I can't help it...
Now, I need people to talk too.. But definately not *you* yet... sorry...........
I am just trying to let people understand her. Why must I got hurt in the end!
Saturday, December 6
We will make a different!!
Thursday, December 4
A day that don't know what to say
Sleepover so little people! Hope it wil be fun! Yeah!
I got annoyed by someone of his "56537"...
Lala... Just feel la.. Normal thing what!!!
Someone walk out just like that~ I thought I don't care but I do care! And feel like crying!
Can I just totally forget about him. Do he know how hurt its cause to me.
I started to miss "him" .. Not started but long time liao.. When I see all the 74288737 I just smile.. And smile... Oh gosh!
Wo hao xiang ni
Tuesday, December 2
Oh gosh...
Yea.. I dream of him, yesterday, the day before, the day before before, and last week.. Wah.
I super miss YOU! I am in love? No.. I am crazy!
*Zhao An*
Saturday, November 29
Tag by Elisa
There the taggie start... T.T
A. Tag 10 monkeys.... Some got blog some no blog. Want to do or don't want, You like la~
1. Joel Goh
2. Ying Yi
3. Joshua
4. Chee Meng
5. Gabriel
6. Sheng Jian
7. Elisa
8. Joanna
9. Poh Yee
10. Hui Huan
How do you know 1-Joel?
~ He is too famous for his is the MONKEY KING!
What would you do if you never met 2-Ying Yi?
~ My life will feel boring because I will feel empty without a pig.. xD
What would you do if 3-Joshua & 4-Chee Meng dated you?
~*Gulp* One is tooooooooooo YOUNG.. One is toooooooooooo HANDSOME..
Would 5-Gabriel & 6- Sheng Jian make a good couple?
~ Sheng Jian is tooooooooooo HANDSOME & YENG to him.. haha.. jkjk. both of them hate gays!
Do you think 7- Elisa is attractive?(:
~ If she is not attractive, I won't be doing this blog.. She beyond attractive! =)
Do you know anything about 8's-Joanna family?
~ Yes! *gua*
Tell me something about 9-Poh Yee.
~ She's been "hilang" from blog very long and she just finish her SPM. Now, she IS BACK IN ACTION. "luv u little girl" =)
What language does 2-Ying Yi?
~ Er... Rojak- ing and pig language.. * lala* is one of her language!
Who is 3- Joshua going out with?
~ Boy's brigade now at Town Park.. =p
How old is 4- Chee Meng?
~ 2x... I know how old is he but why must i reveal their secret.. BLEK
Who is 6-Sheng Jian favourite singer?
~ Not sure.. Korean songs gua!
Would you date 7-Elisa?
~Yea. I dated her on 6th 7th & 8th December... We are going to do something super fun! =)
10-Hui Huan single?
~ I don't think so. Lala...
What is 9's-Poh Yee last name?
~ Kam Poh Yee... rite??
Which school does 2-Ying Yi go to?
~ lalala school...
What do you like about 3-Joshua?
~ Why this question? er.... Why? SECRET! Don't want tell a... blek blek blek..
Thursday, November 27
DO you love it when you are young?
I think it is nice to have someone to read you some story to let you fall asleep.
I NEVER try it before..
"Mama, can you read me bedtimes story?" little girl ask.
"Yes my darling" Answered the mom
"Thks mama"
There the story goes....
Once upon a time there's a lady name cinderella...... (and the story goes on)
I believe we know this story very well! We got a lot of version...
But I just like it... and... because I know some kids don't really know. WHY? COntinue tmr..
Wednesday, November 26
emoing adaysnow
Just feel like it..
I am a bit cacated I think...
Today HR says that "don't tell me YOU want to resign har!!! NO har.. "
Haiz.. I hope I won't tell you this soon. =)
I want to STUDY~~ BUT HOW?
I know! Go back SLEEP!
Tuesday, November 25
Den I started to think what if I die on this morning.... WHO CARES! DIE LA!
ANd then now, I really feel it. Who cares?! Those people won't care whether you are here or not. You are just a side dishes! When they feel like they need you they find you to talk or laugh!
I know it sounds so ..... but..... i really..... haiz
Monday, November 24
They ask me go body check.. Er.... I don't think is a need lor..
Anyway, This sunday my turn to sing. With who? I don't know.... er... as if la...
If he don't wan sing that don sing ba... i go sing with yy oso can.. alalalala..
hahhaha... blek... At first I thought don't want sing let him sing..
Ceh, y I got to be like that... haha.. sing oni la.. hehe...
Saturday, November 22
Whenever I saw you - It pains
Whenever you talk to me - It makes me feel something
The feelings changed now..
YES! After knowing the truth, feel like back off once again!
I knew it! I hate the truth but I got to face the truth!
Mood swing again.
This is what I can blog about for now. Just feel terrible ble ble...
Tuesday, November 18
Saturday, November 15
Open heart

Thursday, November 13
Just a just
Forever in your comfort zone just a waste of time
Out from there and be a mature person
Although its pain but its worth of time.
See the bright side and not the dark side
Be still and never try to fall by your own
Try to get up by yourself if you fall
Only yourself who can help you in the end.
Listen to Him and not anyone else
His instruction is to be obey not others
He is the only person to rely to
Non other person but just Him.
I wanted to write a song for Him but end up came up something else.
I don't know what this can be..
Wednesday, November 12
Monday, November 10
trying so hard
You can get all the attention from another guy or girl but not me.
I am cold-blooded - You can say that.
I just dislike people who want attention too much from other people with all the things, whatever. I know you long ago. Those people knew about you! Some don't know but I am sure that I have no interest to tell anyone. I am not those people who love to make people hate you. But, don't try to pull my tail or step my tail. I really will bite you!
This is me. Evil or not? I think I am. I think I am a person full with hatred.... n I am trying to change my attitude.. The above is what I am few weeks/months before.. Trying to change.. I Hope I can!
Saturday, November 8
New Layout
I know I know! I am over again! But I just love mushroom for now.
Besides I got bored with that old layout..
I wasted 1 hour to fix the fonts and hex code. FUh.. Tired!!
Enjoy your stay here!
Falling in love
Everytime you are near me
It is that you fear
You might fall into something deep
Standing on the edge of the night
Feelings raging inside
But if you open your eyes
Can you see the fireflies dancing in the air
Like the stars up in the sky
Feel the gentle breeze caress the night
Oh, it's time to take to flight
Take my hand
I'll lead you to the places whereI am sure you've never been
So just hold me close and we will go
This is how it all begins
Friday, November 7
yesterday once more~
happy happy happy~
Yesterday friend told me went to sunway pyramid saw the big mushroom head cost Rm 20++.
Then at kelana jaya giant - living cabin don't know how much.
wah... Makes my heart keep thinking that mushroom!!!
Huh!!! She say want buy me mario mushroom! I don't want la. I want de is like maple mushroom Pink colour de.. cute le!! hehehe... no $$ BUY.. c ONLY lu!!
Thursday, November 6
never i again to you
I said yesterday midnight.
And I promised myself never to do that ever again!
I don't want to open my mouth.
Just want to type to express my feelings.
Even today in the office I talk less...
But, today,
I don't feel like posting all these things.
It couldn't hep me at all.
Just will make me feel more down.
So I better less talk more action.
What I want to do I got to do it.
No use thinking. Think for one year already and i still having all the thoughts only.
hey come on, get up and do something!
Yesterday my friend ask me what i want for birthday present
Its kinda late but then, she promised to give me after she is holiday from work.
I want that mushroom soft toys for huggies or pig is ok too.
But I did not tell her I want that. Is like so expensive! T.T
Yesterday kor kor belanja me eat dinner... That is consider my b'day present ba for this year. *better than none right* *winks*
Wah! I want soft toys. Yeap, I sounded like kids. I know. But I want that cute thingy to hug!
I knew something
I saw something
I feel something
I dislike something
I say something
I angry something
I did something
=One day=
Wednesday, November 5
Happy Birthday

But why am I dreaming of you yesterday night.
I just don't know what am I thinking!
Tuesday, November 4
lazy lazy lazy again
Sleep Sleep and sleep and this makes me feel that I am so lazy and I think I am.
I have nothing to say now because I feel so lazy. Yes, so so lazy.
I just want to say...
Saturday, November 1
Sometimes I feel like running away from here
Sometimes I want to just leave everything behind
Because I don't feel my existence here.
Sometimes I feel like stop arguing
Sometimes I feel like avoid something
Sometimes I am afraid of misunderstanding
Because people tends to misunderstands.
Sometimes I feel that you hate me
Sometimes I feel that you avoided me
Sometimes I feel that you don't want to talk to me
This makes my heart feel so pain.
Sometimes I feel like scold you on your face
Sometimes I feel like slap you on you face
Sometimes I feel like just call you to shut your mouth up
Because YOU are so so annoying!!
I know sometimes I am so harsh
but when you give up on somebody
you will just won't do anything more
Cause it is so worthless.
Thursday, October 30
Yesterday went for dinner cause of aunty birthday. We went to eat at somewhere near wawasan restaurant. Its kind of cheap! We ordered 6 dishes and 8 people was there and they just charged us RM 118. Uncle pay the bill.
He was saying he expect to use up all the money he brought.
So, to fulfill his wish, we went to ice wheel to eat ice!
Nyam nyam....
We order 2 woks of ice cream.. Haha... Taste delicious..
i should post the picture up!! Wao.. I like it so much! Should go again when I got $$! Oh ya.. one wok is 9.90!!
When back home - read book and also sms - ing and watch shows and eat again!
Today mommy birthday,....
Wednesday, October 29
to you~
Tuesday, October 28
^^One & Only^^ YOUTH
This is for the youth
Each and everyone has given me all the joyfulness
I hope we will all meeting and sitting together once again
Laughing and talking again
I know God will bring us back one day!
Brotherly brothers~
Joel Chan! You are CUTE when you say,
I know la, he is your brother ma! ~~
You sounded so funny. Haha... You can bully this brother more. He's been naughty nowadays..
And also Joel, you are my brother too! We are one big family isn't it?
Sunday - part 2?
I totally feel so uncomfortable with the SHORT pants. Most of you know, my leg, with those dots, since six years old, until now, still like that, scary, horrible, haiz.
But, I just ignore it. Cause I can't be wearing jeans and play badminton. Although I can but that will be weirder that the short pants.
We walked to the badminton court located just opposite our church. Or to be accurate, slightly further lah.
Me and Elisa was walking, and, talking about those so-called gentlemen. Let me name them. MR G, MR JG, MR JS G.
They don't even care the girls behind them. They walked as fast as they can to reach their destination to PLAY! Phoebe and Christa was behind them! They don't even care. Hello?? They are still YOUNG and they are so-called kids still! Why no one protecting them? Elisa, Rachel and myself have no hope on the guys anymore! hehe
The other 2 guys, JC and JY *i think* was behind Elisa and me.
"Luckily we still have both of them to protect us"
"Yea.. Not like those gentlemen there"
We are wrong! After crossing the road, both of them join the three in front and left the girls behind, once again! GUYS???! haiz!
Badminton is great that day. Played with mostly all of them.. *I think* Had fun. *justthatsomethingbothermetheentireday*
We finished everything around 2 something. We got to get back to church for CLEANING! T.T
It should be a surprise but it is not due to Gab so terus terang say in front of me.
"We got to get back to church for cleaning and also celebrating Rachel and Sherina's birthday"
Joel Chan looked at me with his eyes widened and giving me a expression like
"why he said that out when you are here!!"
I smiled to Joel Chan
Then I saw that ice cream box and I said I want to eat ice cream.
Joel Chan looks so serious and ask me,
"You want a? You really want a? I buy"
*jaws dropped*
"I don't want I don't want"
although I want it so much but still I don't want to waste his money. But, Joel Chan really looks cute with that expression and his serious look when he asked me I want the ice cream.
When back to church and we noticed that santuary is cleaned and chair was arranged. Then I lie down on the chair. I was called PIG by someone!!!
Then those surprise came, those people dragging me and as if I and Rachel knows nothing. Joshua keep pull my hand and say
"come la come la"
I stil ignore it. Then rachel say let's go. Both of us try to escape from them but we failed. So we went in and stand beside singing happy birthday to . . . . no one? those aunties asking who's birthday. why no one? Rachel and me keep smiling.
The cake is nice.. I guess so. I did not eat it due to they said its cheese. Ew. Sorry, i don't really like cheese cake and I knew that someone buy that cake because Phoebe likes to eat it.
2 car? how?
a shocked morning.
2 VERY grown up boy - age 20 ++ did something that day.
This is the story~~
Every Sunday, usually, I will asked Chee Meng to fetch me to church cause he, too, going for worship practice. So I was expecting him to fetch me on that day. And he did called me on the very morning to tell me that he reached. So i quickly get my feet to my sport shoes and grab my handbag - run out from my house and I saw ................... Proton Wira.. Looks familiar but its not Chee Meng's. Its Gabriel's car. Then I thought Chee Meng is in his car but I can't trace him in that car. So I look on the left. Surprisingly, Chee Meng's car is there! What are they playing?! Why both car there?! *park so nice somemore* My jaw dropped** I don't know which car to get in to it.
right? left?right? left? Can I walk?? =)
I can see those evil grin, evil laughing in both of their face. *heh heh*
I run to Chee Meng car at last.
"O!!! You break his heart!! You came to sit my car!"
"O!!! You so naughty ask both of us to come and fetch you!"
"O!!! I think he is here from 6.30a.m until to wait for you!"
"O!! HE angry already!"
"You all pakat de." - me
"pakat what" - he
"kacau me la" - me
"who so free o" - he
the conversation continue until we reached church. He still deny that both of them pakat. He still with his evil face!!! *no la*
"Gab, you all so free a? pakat and kacau me?"
"Cannot a?!" gab said
I looked at Chee Meng and said to him.
"See! PAKAT"
"heh heh heh"
This is the very funny happy sunday morning. =)
Saturday, October 25
RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
RULE #2 Tag 6 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.
1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be? take revenge?
-kill him
2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
-Th3 s3cR3t Cod3
3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
-no idea
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
-never will it happen!
5. Will you u fall in love with your best friend?
-seriously YES!
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
-what do you think?
7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
-I waited someone for few years. sigh. I am stupid. and I m still stupid!
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
-stop loving him. I know its hard but I don't like to be third party or being stupid!
9. If you like to act with someone, who will it be? your gf/bf or an actress/actor?
-act with Th3 s3cR3t Cod3 =)
10. Will you invite for Ex bf/gf to your wedding dinner?
-why not?!
11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
-old lady? wait. 10 years? I am 28.. Still young what =x
12. What's your fear?
-can't answer, too much things to fear
13. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
-single and rich, kalaulah boleh. If not, married to the one I love and poor is ok.
15. Would you give all in a relationship?
-depends la. Mostly NO!
16. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
-I pick people want meh? Please la!
17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
-before yesterday NO. After yesterday, YES
18.Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
-Not I want a relationship then I will have de!
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