我的天空多麼的清新 透明的承諾是過去的空氣 牽著我的手是你 但你的笑容 卻看不清 是否一顆星星變了心 從前的願望 也全都被拋棄 最近我無法呼吸 連自己的影子 都想逃避(逃避) BABY 你就是我的唯一 兩個世界都變心 回去談何容易 確定 你就是我的唯一 獨自對著電話說我愛你 我真的愛你 BABY 我已不能多愛你一些 其實早已超過愛的極限
Saturday, January 31
So what?1
Yes I am..
Always that stupid...
So what?
Everyone... Blek....
Anyway.... Just being myself....
Friday, January 23
Buh Bye... C you~
I will resume after CNY... wahahahaha....
So let me wish you people here...
Shall I call you?

Why my two bro's looks so black now? LOL...
Thursday, January 22
Let the past be the past
Dear Friend,
I don't think I know you so well. But, I know I like to be very close to you.
We shared, We laugh, We cry, We talk, We disagree certain things together, We agreed certain things together, We and we and we..
Even my mom prefer me to be with you more than others. *LOL*
Dear Friend,
I know at times I don't really care your feelings. I might being such a not-good-friend to you. I am sorry. But, here, I want you to know that I don't show. I wants to care about you but, just that, I don't know how. I wonder, as a BIGGER SIS to you - *I bold it for as you know, I AM OLD.. jkjk... do i really take good care about you. For my information, you take good care about me more than I do. And that makes me go over the limit I think.. To neglected your feelings..
I know it hurts so much when all the things repeated again and again. I am - too... But I know your hurt is more than I do. Now, I give up on this case. I just gave up. I am not giving up the entire team, but, I just give up on some certain issue, I feel more relief than before. Laugh it away makes me feel better. Like you said, what can we do now? Let's just laugh it off. Yeah.. Let's not waste our energy and brain cells to think about it again.
And dear my friend,
They are still very beloved to us- RIGHT! Yes.. Agree...
Oh Friend,
Let us be together hitting each others head with "tongkat" until the end of the world. Can we..? =)
Oh Friend,
Let us have a very blessed CNY. WE will go to a lot of places together during this CNY. OK? I dated you ok? Love You.
That box - my treasure
I imagine myself to see you,
I open my eyes
You are right infront of me.
Your eyes - so tempting
Your jokes - so lively
Your voice - so nice to hear
Your smile - melted my heart.
If and only If I can see you wear that shirt again.
If and only If I still love you
If and only If You will love me
If and only If and will be just if.
I am simple yet complicated
I am complicated yet simple
All HAD gone.
My feelings towards you
I'll keep it in a precious safety box
Lock it and throw the key away
So that I won't open it or anyone can find my feelings towards you.
Oh you, I miss your eyes
I miss your jokes
I miss your smile
I miss your coolness
I miss you so much..
I will just keep this misses in a box too.
I lock it and throw the key away
So that no one can ever search it again
I hope you will be happy always
Always I will be here to wait for you
Wait for you to need my help
Because I will always love you as a friend.
I miss pink.
I hope it will appear again on you one day.
I miss the bookmark.
I hope it will appear again in your bible one day.
Wednesday, January 21
SOmething to blog
I feel that this blog is dead blog... Not the same as last time...
Maybe today I can blog about my work life..
Most of my friends know, currently, I am working in a BIG company called - CLARA INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY GROUP.
At first I am super free. Just answer calls and collect letter and fax - then distribute.. But now,, WORK... LOADS.. AND I LOVE IT! Maybe you guys think I'm insane for loving work loads... but I really enjoy.. Cause I feel the more I do the more I learn.. Now I learn about HR thingy and I feel it really a good job.. Maybe next time if I can continue my study, HR is not bad too!! I am learning a lot of HR job.. So I really love it...
People around the office is kinda friendly.. They can talk and joke and laugh.. But still, people.. people.. and people la... haha... But overall, still ok.. SOmetimes only la... ahem.. cough cough..
So.. This is what I can say for my work life.. Study life? haha... O Lord will B.L.E.S.S
Make Up =)
The make up artist help me to make up and I looks.... No comments..
Want to see the picture? Haha.. That is so so so so NO WAY!
Only will let some close people see. Bleuk!!
Tuesday, January 20
Monday, January 19
I agreed....
But, but
Laugh too much can cry too.. LOL...
But... I agree with you because..
Laughter is the best medicine over all...
Saturday, January 17
When it will stop?
Then, I say I will give a chance and just ignore the feelings.
Then, I got hurt again.
Then, again I back to normal
Then routine and routine
And now, I am so pain. Really.. How long must I continue this game?
Thursday, January 15
it will soon over
If you are alone without a boyfriend or girlfriend, you might say "Why la I am single?"
But, if you is having a bf or gf, and you always argue, you might say "Why I am not single? Should I just break up?"
Funny isn't it?
I have no comment for this matter.. What I can say is..
If you are single,
Don't worry, God will give you one day.. BE patient. Ask and you shall received.
If you are having a relationship,
If you and you bf/gf just having some small fights maybe it will be ok soon. If it is a big fight, then take your time to think what should you do. Break up is not always a good decision. But, if things really uncontrollable maybe break up is a good way.. But, I don't really hope people break up just because misunderstanding..
What can you do is always commit your relationship to God. Ask him to lead you...
And and.. Never do something you should not do..
Wednesday, January 14
No! Don't think you are a mistake because God create you with purpose. He didn't mistakenly create you. He create you with purpose..
Tuesday, January 13
We are all sons of God
Do you know a Father always love his son. They will do whatever to PROTECT the son.
Then some people ask. "If God love his children why He sacrifice His Son Jesus Christ to suffer
We should go back to John 3:16 "For God so loved the world."
He loves us. That's why He is willing to give His One and Only son to us. To save us. He loves His Son too. There will be a lot of doubt for those people outside there. They will ask whether Jesus is fiction or fictional?
For me I trust him because I EXPERIENCED. If I did not experience I won't believe and I will be one of the people outside there full with question. And.. heading to nowhere. But, if you really trust in Him he guide you and protect you and question will answer to you automatically.
Galatians 3:26-28
26You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, 27for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
We are all sons of God!!!
Monday, January 12
Every new day~
Saturday, January 10
just random
But you started to change..
So, I better keep my mouth shut from you...
Friday, January 9
Am I fear? Fear that problems will still coming.. YES.. Problem will always comes. But why must I fear? If I fear, the problem will still be there. So what for I fear if fearing is not a solution for my problem. Do not fear! Since
Forever Love
Translate by: Sherina
Song by: secret
Song title: Forever Love
Sorry, I addicted to him.. xD =)
Thursday, January 8
Do we really know what is LOVE.. In the bible..
1 Corinthians 13:4 - 6
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
This is the LOVE. Only Him can do it.. As a NORMAL human being, I don't think we can do it. Sad huh? Mostly people just say it for the fun of it. Can they LOVE with all this? Nah... Don't trust the guy that says he LOVES you. ha ha... I am just joking. If you want to wait... Forever you won't find a boyfriend... or a girlfriend... But don't be sad if there's no one who really mean the real LOVE to you.BeCaUsE there's a person that had, have, has, having, doing and still loving us with the real meaning of LOVE until TODAY...... Yes.. You heard me right.. Who?! JESUS.. He sacrifice himself for us. The greatest gift he given us.. And, he still loves us! The greatest love is HIM.
Thank you for YOUR LOVE that you've given to us..
-hey everyone-
JESUS LOVES YOU. Remember that always!!!
Don't feel sad! Remember JESUS LOVES YOU!
Wednesday, January 7
deep thoughts
Tuesday, January 6
Deuteronomy 31:6 , Matthew 7:7
Since he is the one who created me... Aren't he my father?
So? What am I afraid for? Why I got to think so much and stress myself?
Why I am so weak?! NO! I should not be weak.. For the Lord says,
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you" Deuteronomy 31:6
Don't say I can do small things. For the Lord is with me.. I can do BIG things with Him. He will gives me strength.. I don't need to worry.
Why must I worry for tomorrow and for tomorrow itself will come and why not I think about it on the day itself. For the bird up the sky flying doesn't need to worry but they are happily living. Why I need to worry so much? God will supply. If I need anything, ask him.. For he says in Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
Remember always... He is our Father. He will never leave us. He is our Father. Ask and you shall receive...
I hope this 2 simple verse who read it will give you a great day. JESUS LOVES YOU..
Monday, January 5
Friday, January 2
A promised ; serious
For hopes that haven't achieved, I will achieve it by this year!
I promised myself to be a better person, better sister, better daughter, better friend!
2009 is here. Smiles, tears going to start.
I will try my best to smile more, tears less.
I will try my best to changed.
I will love one another.
This is my promised.
I left all the hatred, the misunderstandings, the unhappiness thoughts, the bad habits, the bad thinking, the bad image, the bad bad bad whatever behind in year 2008.
2009 will gives me a different things. All better and happy.
I promised myself to be a happy girl.
This is my promised.....